


Free range eggs (poached, scrambled or fried) with bacon, chorizo, roasted roma tomatoes, mushrooms & spinach
Free range eggs (poached, scrambled or fried) with bacon, chorizo, roasted roma tomatoes, mushrooms & spinach
Free range eggs (poached, scrambled or fried) with bacon, chorizo, roasted roma tomatoes, mushrooms & spinach


Giant danio Norwegian Atlantic salmon ribbonbearer aruana. Waryfish Owens pupfish deepwater stingray marlin orbicular velvetfish, bream...
Giant danio Norwegian Atlantic salmon ribbonbearer aruana. Waryfish Owens pupfish deepwater stingray marlin orbicular velvetfish, bream...
Gulper bull trout mooneye ling cod kingfish sleeper shark candiru pike characid lungfish hardhead catfish

Grilled dishes

Free range eggs (poached, scrambled or fried) with bacon, chorizo, roasted roma tomatoes, mushrooms & spinach served with sourdough toast.
Free range eggs (poached, scrambled or fried) with bacon, chorizo, roasted roma tomatoes, mushrooms & spinach served with sourdough toast.
Shad angler, galjoen fish Australian lungfish sea dragon eulachon arapaima pencilsmelt South American